Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Our Snake

This is our black snake. We have seen him other times (or one of his cousins). Today, he was right outside the side door on the carport.  I gathered him up and put him across the fence. Marcia doesn't like having snakes around the house.  He stretched out and slithered away. He was about 3.5 to 4 feet long.

Later in the day, I found this snake on the carport. Different snake? Don't know. Probably. However, this is not comforting to Marcia.

Snake 2?

About 4 ft long.
I attempted to pick him up and take him to the field, but he got away and slithered under the steps to safety.

1 comment:

K'sitew said...

Will definitely help with the voles. :-) Peace, K'sitew