David came up with the kids today and brought along my Fathers Day gift. I got a pack of Wiley Wallaby Soft and Chewy Licorice and a puzzle box by Professor Puzzle: The Puzzling Obscurities Box of Brainteasers. It contains ten Matchbox Puzzles and fifty matchstick challenges. Well, I worked my way through the Matchbox Puzzles. I solved nine, but I was unable to solve the T puzzle. I worked and worked on it, but I eventually did what David did. I looked up the solution. Here are the completed puzzles. Now on to the matchstick challenges.
The Pyramid |
Rings of Fire |
Rings of Fire solution |
Snooker Balls solution |
The T (I looked up solution for this one.) |
Tangram Square solution |
The Cross solution |
The Knot solution |
The Spring solution |
Walk the Plank |
Walk the Plank solution |
Yen and Yang |
Yen and Yang solution |