
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Mohs Surgery for Skin Cancer

 I had a consultation yesterday for two spots that I had biopsied a couple of weeks ago. One is on my left eyebrow (squamous cell carcinoma) and the second is on the back of neck (left, basal cell carcinoma). I will go tomorrow to have the eyebrow treated by surgery. The doctor will remove the spot with margins and some depth. He will then view the section under the microscope and note where he may have to go back and remove more. He will repeat this process until the margins are clean. Then he will stitch me up. So, the plan is to have the eyebrow done tomorrow and return in a week to have the stitches removed and at that time do the neck.

I had the same type surgery done on my right cheek back in 2007. 

Left eyebrow came back as squamous cell carcinoma.

Left neck came back as basal cell carcinoma
Update: 18 November 2020

I went to the surgeon this morning at 7:45 and got away about 1:20.He would cut out a section and check the margins under the microscope.Then he would know where to take out more if needed.  It took three tries to get all cancer.  Here are the pictures.

Getting ready for the surgery.

After three biopsies, the cancer is all gone.  The marks are for the skin graft. He cut that triangle shaped skin out and moved it forward to cover the big hole.

I asked how many stitches it took and he said fifteen. My son David said he could have done it iwith fourteen stitches. You can see where he brought the triangle of skin forward to cover the hole.

I am at home, and my left eye is almost all the way shut.I am to expect swelling and bruising today.

About five hours later, you can see my eye closing more. It is supposed to go black, too.

I will go back in a week to take the stitches out and have my neck done.

Update: 19 November

Here I am getting ready for my morning shave. My eye is completely closed now.

Later that day, 1:30 PM.  I took the bandage off. There is a steristrip that they glued over the site. I am to leave it alone, but if it comes off that is ok, too. I go back next Wednesday to remove the stitches.

As you can see, my eye is completely swollen shut.

Update: 20 November 2020

My eye is still swollen shut, but if I really try, I can open my lid  just a bit so some light gets in. I will just let it go for now and let the swelling go down naturally.

Update: 21 November 2020

It is Saturday morning, and I woke up with a slit in my deft eye that I could see through.

Update: 22 Nov

Update: 23 Nov

Update: 24 Nov

Update: 25 Nov

Today, I get the stitches out. Here I am before heading out to the doc.

Stitches out and dressing applied.

Update: 26 Nov

Dressing removed.

After cleaning with peroxide solution and putting
on a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

I made this gif to show the progress each day.

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