
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Leg Infection

Well, I picked up an infection in my bad leg this last week. It was getting worse, so, Friday, we made a trip to the ER. They checked me out and did an ultrasound of my leg just to make sure I didn't have any blood clots. I didn't. My leg was swollen, discolored, and pretty painful. The doc said it was most likely a skin infection and prescribed two antibiotics; one is twice a day and the other is four times a day. David and his family were coming up to visit and ended up just saying hi and going back home. David took a picture of my leg do document it.

The next pictures I took Sunday evening. The antibiotics seem to be knocking this thing down. It looks a whole lot less angry than it did last Friday. Most of the pain is gone, but some swelling remains. I am going to see my surgeon on Wednesday as a follow up.

July 13, 2020

Here it is on Monday. Looking much better.

July 15, 2020

I went to the doc's today. Things are looking much better. I still have some swelling and one spot is tender. I am to finish my meds and continue to monitor things. I am scheduled to return on the 29th.

Update: August 3
Well, things were going pretty well until about July 24th. Then things went south from there. By Sunday, I had a fever and the area was red and inflamed again. My temp got up to 101.  I laid low and took lots of Advil. Monday, things had settled a bit, so I decided if it didn't get worse, I would try to make it to Wednesday's appointment with the doctor. I made it, and the doctor gave me two antibiotics for 14 days this time. After two days on the antibiotics, I was doing much better. I am hoping that this round will do the trick and banish this infection forever.

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