
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bird Nest Relocation

These birds (house finches) tried to build a nest in the middle of our carport. Click here for more information. It kept falling down, so I bent the edges of a license plate and set it where they were trying to build, and they were successful in building the nest and raising a family of baby birds.

 After they flew off, I took the nest and plate down and cleaned everything up.

This week, a couple of finches returned and were trying to build a nest next to the house again. Marcia wanted me to block these two places where birds had built nests in the past and discourage these birds from building there because of the constant falling down of nesting onto the carport and car. She suggested a free-standing birdhouse, but I decided to do this instead. Marcia loves the birds, not the mess.

Next to the house

Center of the carport

I built boxes that extended from the 6x6 to the roof. Then, the birds came back and saw that their "home site" had been blocked. They seemed very frustrated, so eventually they moved to the other end of the carport to try to build their nest there. But, there was not enough room, and the nesting material kept falling down. Therefore, I decided to have mercy on these sweet little birds, and I installed the license plate to give them more room.

Nesting material

Ledge too small to accommodate a nest. It kept falling down.

License plate gives additional room for the nest.
View from bottom

Momma bird approves of the addition.

 We went to eat and returned about an hour later to see that the little birds had been able to add a significant amount of material to their nest in that short period of time. I will be documenting their progress with more pictures. So, bookmark this page and check back every week or so if you would like to follow along.

More nesting material.